The I♡Youth2 Team:

  • (they/them)

    Daelyn Lambi is a working artist, writer, educator, and youth advocate. They have over a decade of arts education teaching, administration, and leadership experience in private and public schools, camps, museums, galleries, and community settings.

    In 2015 they founded Marrow PDX, a youth-led community arts space in North Portland, which they directed until 2020 when it closed due to the covid 19 pandemic. They hold an MA in Critical Studies (2023, PNCA), an MFA in Visual Studies (2023, PNCA), an MA in Teaching + Learning in Art + Design: Community Arts Education (2012, RISD), and a BFA in Studio Arts (2011, School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University).

  • (she/her)

    Jeanine Jablonski is an arts professional with over two decades experience as an internationally-recognized gallery owner, artist advocate, and cultural producer. With a career spanning the for profit and non-profit sectors, she has built a rich network of artists, curators, dealers, and other arts professionals. Jablonski has served on the boards of Lantana Projects (Memphis, TN), Portland Art Center (Portland, OR), Oregon College of Art and Craft (Portland, OR), and Ditch Projects (Springfield, OR).

    From 2008 - 2021, Jablonski was the Owner/Director of Fourteen30 Contemporary, an experimental gallery, producing a diverse array of exhibitions, events, artist editions, and publications. From 2011 to 2018, Jablonski served as the Managing Director of the lumber room, a private home, artist residency site, and exhibition space founded by collector Sarah Miller Meigs. Jablonski is currently the Senior Director at ILY2 in Portland, Oregon.

  • (she/her)

    Allie Furlotti is an artist, philanthropist, creative entrepreneur, and mother driven by the desire to nourish the collective imagination and seed artistic opportunities for those around her. Furlotti’s commitment to social and material investment in visual art and artist communities has been transformative for culture in the Pacific Northwest.

    Furlotti serves on the board of the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA) where in 2017, she played a pivotal role in securing the venerable arts organization a long-term home after years of its itinerancy. Furlotti is president of the Calligram Foundation, an art philanthropic organization whose mission is to foster a thriving art community in Portland, Oregon. In 2013, Calligram Foundation and PICA launched the Precipice Fund—a Warhol Foundation re-granting initiative that has since provided critical support to hundreds of unincorporated visual art collectives, alternative spaces, and collaborative projects in the region.

  • In addition to our leadership team, I♡Youth2 employs working artists and educators in Portland’s community (and beyond!) to facilitate our arts camps, workshops, + events. You can find info about those creatives alongside their individual programming information.

the ILY2 + ILYouth2 team! (Jeanine Jablonski, Madison Hames, Allie Furlotti, + Daelyn Lambi)