Camps, workshops, events, and other previous programming!

summer 2024

Click through to read about our inaugural summer of youth programming, or scroll to the bottom for photos!

  • Monday July 1st - Friday July 5th, 2024; 8:30-3:30pm
    For youth entering 3rd-5th grade

    About this Camp:

    In our 2024 SUMMER ART CAMP opener, campers worked alongside ILY2 artist Bonnie Lucas, as she shared her invitations to work with small scale objects and materials to create small wonders. Materials were simple; creations were extraordinary! Campers played with new ways of using traditional art tools, and explored what it means to be an artist.

    About the Instructor:

    Bonnie Lucas (she/her)

    Bonnie Lucas was born in 1950 in Syracuse, New York. She completed a B.A. in Art History from Wellesley College and an MFA from Rutgers University.
    In the decades that have followed, her work has been exhibited throughout the United States (New York, Cambridge, Boston, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Oakland) and abroad (Netherlands, Finland, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia). In the 1980s, she presented a series of solo exhibitions with the Avenue B Gallery in New York.
    Her work has been included in projects at the Drawing Center, the International Studio Curatorial Program, Sideshow Gallery, the Painting Center, Art in General, the DeCordova Museum, the Dutch Textile Museum, and Bellevue Art Museum among other institutions. In 2011 Lucas was interviewed by MSNBC.com, and her work has been written about in Artforum, ARTnews, The New York Times, The Village Voice, The New Yorker, and USA Today. Recently, her work was covered in the summer issue of Artforum. In 2014 her work was the subject of a survey exhibition at Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Gallery. Following this extensive survey, Lucas presented solo exhibitions at JTT in 2017, 17ESSEX in 2018, Ruschwoman Gallery in 2022, ILY2 in 2023, and Trotter & Sholer in early 2024.
    Lucas lives and works in New York City.

  • Monday July 15th - Friday July 19th, 2024; 8:30-3:30pm
    For youth entering 3rd-5th grade

    About this Camp:

    In this camp, young folks learned about different methods and utilizations of visual storytelling; and how to harness and self express their own ideas in a visual format. They were given opportunities to try out communicating with some of the common tools used in graphic novels. They talked about types of visual storytelling, when we might use images to communicate and why, and looked at existing examples. By the end of the week, each camper had constructed their own small booklet containing a comic they'd written and illustrated, as well as a collectively constructed and illustrated comic.

    About the Instructor:

    Buck Corvidae-Schulte (they/them)

    Buck is a nonbinary multimedia artist living in Portland, Oregon. They began their trajectory as an artist learning traditional painting and drawing, and now create art in an attempt to express and make sense of their thoughts, their emotional truths, and to humanize concepts they struggle with. They've been independently printing their own zines and short form comics for a decade - ever since voraciously consuming numerous graphic novels and manga as a teenager. They recently began a serial comic called "Spiritual Error" that will be published in an anthology coming out in 2024.

  • Monday July 22nd - Friday July 26th, 2024; 8:30-3:30pm
    For youth entering 3rd-5th grade

    About this Camp:

    "Let's take trash and discarded items and make them into something new and loved!" Using common refuse (paper, cardboard, plastic containers, bags, etc.) and found items, campers made sculptures, costumes, puppets, and more, turning what was trash into TREASURE.

    About the Instructor:

    urks io (they/them)

    Urks is an omninonbinary, interdisciplinary artist based in Portland, OR. Their work focuses on collective creation, weaving the dream of a radical queer utopia into reality, and encouraging exploration and play through the creation of immersive worlds. Filled with irreverent humor, word play, and ecstatic nonsense,  urks envisions characters, situations, and universes that embody an optimistic and effervescent vision of our future-- exploring how future generations will integrate joy, pleasure, and play into their lives. 

    urks io has been based in Portland, OR since 2009. At the moment, urks is working as a teacher, events producer, and artist. urks is a collaborator and co-producer of four different creative projects – the TV shows ”Magic Night at the Trans Bar with Max and Mars and Given and Urks and Friends” and “Friends in Space-Time Story Hour,” the theatre group The Clown Mystics, and the interactive performance group The Gift.

  • Monday July 29th- Friday August 2nd, 2024; 8:30-3:30pm
    For youth entering 3rd-5th grade

    About this Camp:

    In this camp, young folks explored how to create 3D forms using fun and experimental materials. They learned that sculpture is not just imposing sculptures in museums - anyone can make a sculpture, with simple everyday materials and an open mind. 

    Campers were introduced to a wide variety of mediums including macramé, wood, felt, clay, cardboard, papier-mâché, found objects, and more.

    To conclude, the campers put together a gallery show to display the great things they'd created !

    About the Instructors:

    Raphael Lewi (he/him) & Krystal Barrio (she/her)

    We are a duo of artists that has been working together for the past six years ! Since we met in art school, we've been collaborating on projects and have had a shared studio. We are both very passionate about hands-on sculptural practices and working with multiple mediums.

  • Monday August 5th- Friday August 9th, 2024; 8:30-3:30pm
    For youth entering 6th-8th grade

    About this Camp:

    In this camp, campers were guided through creating analogue zines using drawing, painting, collage, and/or writing. They learned the process from dummy, to creating content, to laying out books by hand. Campers left with a digital version of their finished zine, as well as printed versions of their own and other campers' zines.

    About the Instructor:

    Erika Rier (she/her)

    Erika Rier is a self-taught interdisciplinary artist creating mostly ceramics and art zines in a style she calls folk surrealism. Writing was her first love and she still secretly writes stories. Having lived in Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, NYC, Arizona, and Washington state; Erika now resides in Portland, OR.  She also has one of each of the following: a husband, a daughter, and a cat she found in a hallway.

  • Monday August 12th- Friday August 16th 2024; 8:30-3:30pm
    For youth entering 3rd-5th grade

    About this Camp:

    In this camp, the spirit of Collage was our guide as we attempted to glue together a giant net made out of disparately connected ideas and materials, that we'll call "Art". During our time, we created and shared songs, videos, sound poetry, found poetry, trash art, instrument building, community building & yes, always more. We played surrealist games and looked closely at a few artists including Harry Smith, Sun Ra, and Nick Cave (both), among others. This open-ended, child-led class was aligned with Waldorf, Dada, Hegelian and a mosaic of other philosophies. The main goal was always to have the maximum amount of fun while we put all sorts of stuff together, together!

    About the Instructor:

    David Weinberg (he/him)

    Dabbler of Arts across the board, my bag is a well-mixed one. I have made underground noise music and art for decades, while simultaneously teaching in mostly Montessori and Waldorf preschools and public elementary schools. I earned a Bachelors of Arts (with a focus on contemporary poetry, cybernetics and new media) from Evergreen State College in 2009, in my hometown of Olympia. In 2020, I earned my Masters in Teaching in Early Childhood Education. Within my teaching, and my larger creative practice, collaboration and collage have been two through-lines. I’ve led after school programs in experimental music making called Imagimusic, and during the pandemic, I created an outdoor micro school in the Cully neighborhood for a group of 2nd graders. In the last year, I’ve opted to be a stay-at-home parent to my toddler, and it has allowed me to harness new directions in my art. In all endeavors, I aim to echo the ethos of Harry Smith who held that "everything goes with everything". 

  • Monday August 12th- Friday August 16th 2024; 8:30-3:30pm
    For youth entering 6th-8th grade

    About this Camp:

    Oracle making is a magical life long practice that can take many forms. Making an oracle deck is a great way to connect with self and the world around us. 

    This camp demystified the art of creating oracle decks, presenting it as a fun, accessible activity that taps into each camper's unique wisdom and creativity. Participants learned about the basics of oracular arts in a way that empowered them to explore their own perspectives and express themselves. Through exploring and understanding the symbolic language of oracles, campers used these tools for artistic expression, insightful decision-making, and deepening self-awareness.

    Our hands-on activities guided campers through creative visualization, drawing, painting, and crafting personal mixed media collages that tell a symbolic story.  By the end of the week, each camper had created their own unique oracle deck of 10 cards to take home. The goal of this camp was to empower and enhance intuitive thinking and storytelling abilities through finding personal meaning within 10 archetypal themes: 

    1. The Hero // 2. The Explorer // 3. The Magician // 4. The Underdog // 5. The Friend // 6. The Rebel // 7. The Leader // 8. The Creator // 9. The Caregiver // 10. The Trickster

    We worked with two themes per day, first focusing on each theme individually and exploring how the two work together. We brainstormed affirmations and titles for each archetype. We wove in color, symbolism and elements to keep everyone inspired. While the campers were making, they were supported in thinking about and beyond these archetypes via conversation, mini guided visualization, q+a, intuitive card pulls with animal spirit decks and age appropriate oracle and tarot decks.

    About the Instructor:

    Danielle Delceppo (she/her)

    I am an artist, astrologer, tarot reader and tarot deck creator. I have been practicing astrology, tarot and art since childhood. My practice is connective and I specialize in bringing people together through group astrology and tarot. I am passionate about creative, immersive experiences using the mantic arts and have seen how these practices can open hearts, minds and lives up to the magic we all have within. Before creating Auburn Intuitive LLC in 2020, I worked as a color designer at Nike for 8 years, and did freelance for many other brands in the sportswear realm. Prior to my work in corporate color design, I was a print and pattern designer specializing in wallpaper design.